
Turn your retail customers into power traders with the most user-friendly algotrading platform

Launch your own forex algotrading marketplace today with our powerful and cost-effective white-label solution.

Join the trading automation revolution!

Zero integration costs100% cloud-basedFully MT5 compatible
Imagem da plataforma em formato mobile


Monthly orders sent


Monthly futures volume traded


Integrated execution brokers

* Dados consolidados de todos os portfólios disponíveis em 22 de janeiro de 2025

Talk to sales

  • Increase average revenue per user (ARPU)

    Algorithmic trading frees customers’ time while boosting trading volume and predictability.

  • Improve client retention

    By automating trades, clients can increase their success rate by up to 10x within 12 months.

  • Diversify marketing approach

    Drive higher conversion through unique, technology-driven marketing content.
